Thursday, October 4, 2018

Newspaper Reconstruction

I learned a lot about the Union Soldiers, and the unwritten rules that they are required to follow. The voters at the time of the election focused mainly on the persons character and actions towards others rather than his political stance or reasoning. It is said that the greatest sacrifice that one soldier can make for his country is putting his body on the line and shedding blood for what he believes in and is fighting for.Using the newspaper source was much different from just looking at google searches. Some of the main differences were that you did not need to confirm that the sources that you are looking at are reliable because they are primary sources from the time period, and are all reliable sources. Also, searching using specific words or phrases was different from searching while using ideas or thoughts related to the topic. I enjoyed using this database because it allowed for me to easily find primary and reliable sources very quickly.

Source - This is the source that talked about Union Soldiers and their contributions to the Union, and sacrifices that needed to be made.

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