Thursday, October 4, 2018

Free Research Newspaper

This is an image showing how America's economy revolved around the slave trade.

In this article in 1859, the slaves are being mentioned as property and are not to be stolen or taken by anyone that does not own that slave. The rules and regulations regarding slaves at the time are very generalized and not very formal with the laws that surround it. The laws are left up to interpretation by either the slave owners or the sherifs that are involved in any cases regarding slaves. This is not fair towards the slaves because it makes it so that the same crimes can be punished as harshly or as loosely as the owner decides. These laws and generalized rules were misused all the time by slave owners. This ranges from something as simple as debt and indentured servitude all the way to running away or trying to escape your servitude towards your owner. This makes the situation for being a slave very difficult with all of the odds stacked against you.

Source - This was the source that I used to get my information on slaves in 1859.

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